
Språkkraft Reading Coach
When you know a little Swedish it is time to start reading real native media. Start with subtitles and tweets, continue with news articles, and soon read short stories and full novels.

NEW! If you are a beginner, you can now start from scratch with our new SpråkSTART module. More information in English here and in Ukrainian here.
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When you read text in our apps you see that words that you know are marked green, words that you need to learn now are yellow and red ones you can look-up, but learn later.

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Welcome to Språkkraft's Language Café, where we use media in Swedish to develop language skills!

Since 2015, Språkkraft has offered FREE and unlimited access to self-paced learning of the Swedish language using media in Swedish, through the apps Språkkraft Läscoach, SVT Språkplay and UR Språkplay.

At our language café, we will put these apps to use, and discuss up-to-date media content in Swedish, using the language learning support available in the Språkkraft Läscoach app.

Our focus will be on discussing specific media items, such as news articles, in Swedish, as well as introducing different media sources in Swedish which you can find useful both as sources of information and for language learning.

At our meetings, we will also use the new Språkkraft LIVE app, which uses speech-to-text to provide language learning support in real-time.

With the use of Språkkraft's tools, we work together to develop learning strategies where our digitals solutions can increase access to learning opportunities.

We will have our first meeting on Monday, March 31, 2025, 15.00-16.30 at the Språkkraft office:

℅ TheLoft
Bergsgatan 59
112 31 Stockholm

Sign up here

Join our WhatsApp group here to collaborate:

What Users Say About Our Apps

“Sedan kom jag till Sverige på 2014, Jag försöker lära mig svenska genom olika sätt. Varav en är Språkkraft appar, som Jag använder alltid när min vän rekommenderade mig att kolla på. De är absolut viktiga för som vill båda lära sig svenska språket och veta mer om Svensk samhället.”

Heba Hamour


  • 1. Contribute content

    Help us by creating animated videos explaining Swedish society and culture with the help of the tool Plotagon Education.

    This will help accelerate language learning and will also explain Swedish society in a fun and interactive way.

  • 2. Help us translate

    Our applications come with interactive subtitles and with language support to 30 different languages.

    We are calling for volunteers that can help out with translations, from English/Swedish to the 30 languages used in Språkkraft

    Get involved
  • 3. Sign up as digital language mentor

    We are also looking for mentors with native or near native Swedish language skills. Volunteers act as chat supporters for immigrants who want to learn Swedish and encourage participants to discuss engaging topics.

    Sign up

We are searching for you to be part of our family! Join us as a volunteer in Språkkraft, a nonprofit organization that engages native Swedes to contribute in the Swedish community digitally.

Språkkraft seeks to constantly enhance its content and users experience by having volunteers who can act as translators, mentors, UX professionals, teachers and linguists. This will ensure help localize apps, empower users, improve pedagogy and personalize language resources.

Språkkraft is one of the largest integration projects in Sweden. We connect immigrants with Swedish media content and native Swedes - enabling anyone coming to Sweden to quickly learn, speak and understand Swedish and the Swedish society.

How many hours should I volunteer per week?

The volunteers at Språkkraft contributes to one of the greatest integration projects in Sweden, by spending only 60 min a week, whenever they want and have time

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Volunteers say about us

Fusce tempor felis lacus, a hendrerit urna facilisis at. Sed sollicitudin bibendum tincidunt. Aenean a bibendum magna. Pellentesque feugiat urna a lectus consequat, quis vulputate nunc feugiat.


Support us

Språkkraft is a nonprofit organization funded through donations, project financing and partnerships. You can support us and become a sponsor to Sprakkraft or sign up for one of our engagement packages to get your organization involved.

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Contact us

We welcome you and all your inquiries, suggestions and feedback.

+46 707 48 5693